The publication of Data
Regarding Global Environmental Issues (2017)


Preface – The publication of Data Regarding Global Environmental Issues –

I. Departure from “The Limits to Growth”
I. 『成長の限界』からの出発

DATA 001 Figure 1-1 Trends in global population
図1-1 世界人口の推移
DATA 002 Figure 1-2 Trends in global population, the supply of primary energy and the consumption of grain (1970 onwards)
図1-2 世界の人口、一次エネルギー供給、穀物消費の推移(1970年以降)
DATA 003 Figure 1-3 Humanity’s Ecological Footprint
図1-3 人類のエコロジカル・フットプリントの推移
DATA 004 Figure 1-4 The Environmental Doomsday Clock – Shift in time
図1-4 「環境危機時計」の推移

II. Human Activities Face limitations
II. 限界に直面する人間の営み

Explosive population increase

DATA 006 Figure 2-1 Influences of population problems (2006)
図2-1 人口問題により引き起こされる影響(2006年)
DATA 007 Figure 2-2 Outlook for world population: developed regions versus developing regions (moderate-range estimate)
図2-2 世界人口の見通し・先進地域、発展途上地域別(中位推計)
DATA 008 Figure 2-3 Distribution of world population by region (2015)
図2-3 世界人口の分布・地域別(2015年)
Figure 2-4 Outlook for world population by region (moderate-range estimate)
図2-4 世界人口の見通し・地域別(中位推計)
DATA 009 Figure 2-5 Cities with populations of over 0.5 million people (2014)
図2-5 人口50 万人以上の都市(2014年)
DATA 010 Figure 2-6 Outlook for urban population by region (moderate-range estimate)
図2-6 都市人口の見通し・地域別(中位推計)
Figure 2-4 Outlook for world population by region (moderate-range estimate)
図2-4 世界人口の見通し・地域別(中位推計)

Gaps in the economy and quality of life

DATA 011 Figure 2-8 Level of capital ownership (2016)
図2-8 資本所有レベル(2016年)
Figure 2-9 Distribution of population and capital ownership by region (2016)
図2-9 人口と資本所有の分布・地域別(2016年)
DATA 012 Figure 2-10 Changes in GDP per capita by region (assuming the 1980 figure to be 100)
図2-10 人口一人当たりGDP の推移・地域別(1980 を100とする指数)
Figure 2-11 GDP share by region (2016)
図2-11 GDP シェア・地域別(2016年)
DATA 013 Figure 2-12 Change in population who live on less than $ 1.90 a day by region (2011 PPP)
図2-12 1日1.9ドル未満人口の推移・地域別(2011年購買力平価)
Figure 2-13 Change in percentage of people who live on less than $1.90 a day by region (1990–2013)
図2-13 1日1.9ドル未満人口の占める割合の推移・ 地域別(1990~2013 年)
DATA 014 Figure 2-14 Consumption of plastic per capita in major regions and Japan (1980, 2005, and 2015)
図2-14 人口一人当たりプラスチック消費量・地域別 (1980年・2005年・2015年)
DATA 015 Figure 2-16 Outlook for annual sales of low-duty vehicles (LDVs) by region
図2-16 普通乗用車(LDV)年間販売台数の見通し・地域別
DATA 016 Figure 2-17 Changes in the spread of the Internet by region
図2-17 インターネット普及率の推移・地域別
DATA 017 Figure 2-18 Percentages of completed elementary education by region (1991 and 2014)
図2-18 初等教育修了率・地域別(1991年・2014年)
Figure 2-19 Literacy rate of young people (age 15–24) by region (1990, 2000 and 2010)
図2-19 若年層(15~24歳)の識字率・地域別(1990年・2000年・2010年)

The finite nature of resources

DATA 018 Figure 2-20 Reserves and reserves-to-production (R/P) ratio of energy resources (2015)
図2-20 エネルギー資源の埋蔵量と可採年数(2015年)
Figure 2-21 R/P ratios of mineral resources
図2-21 鉱物資源の可採年数

Reserves in energy resources

DATA 020 Figure 2-23 Proven reserves of crude oil worldwide
図2-23 世界の原油確認埋蔵量
DATA 021 Figure 2-24 Recoverable reserves of coal worldwide
図2-24 世界の石炭可採埋蔵量
Figure 2-25 Reserves of natural gas by region
図2-25 地域別天然ガス埋蔵量
Figure 2-26 Amount of uranium resources worldwide
図2-26 世界のウラン資源量

Consumption and supply of energy

DATA 022 Figure 2-27 Changes in the consumption of primary energy worldwide
Figure 2-27 Changes in the consumption of primary energy worldwide
Figure 2-28 Changes in and prospects for the consumption of primary energy by region
図2-28 一次エネルギー消費量の推移と見通し・地域別
DATA 023 Figure 2-29 Global energy source composition
図2-29 世界のエネルギー構成
Figure 2-30 Changes in and prospects for the consumption of primary energy
図2-30 一次エネルギー消費の推移及び将来予測
DATA 024 Figure 2-31 Consumption of primary energy by country (top 20 countries/2014)
図2-31 国別一次エネルギー消費量 (上位20ヵ国/2014年)
DATA 025 Figure 2-32 Primary energy ratios in major countries(2016)
図2-32 主要国の一次エネルギー構成(2016年)
DATA 026 Figure 2-33 Changes in and prospects for electric power production worldwide (by source of energy)
図2-33 世界の電力生産量の推移と将来予測(エネルギー源別)
DATA 027 Figure 2-34 Changes in electric power generation in Asian countries
図2-34 アジア各国の電力生産量の推移
DATA 028 Figure 2-35 Final energy consumption by sector in OECD countries and non-OECD countries (2013)
図2-35 OECD諸国、非OECD諸国のセクター別エネルギー最終消費の割合(2013年)

Energy disparity

DATA 029 Figure 2-36 Changes in energy consumption per capita by region (1990–2014)
Figure 2-36 Changes in energy consumption per capita by region (1990–2014)
Figure 2-37 Changes in electricity consumption per capita by region (total amount in comparison with 1971)
図2-37 人口一人当たり電力消費量の推移・地域別 (全量、1971年比)
DATA 030 Figure 2-38 Electrification rate by region (1980–2014)
図2-38 電力化率・地域別(1980~2014年)
Figure 2-39 Access to energy sources by regions(2014)
図2-39 地域別のエネルギーアクセスの状況(2014年)

Unevenly distributed freshwater resources

DATA 031 Figure 2-40 Freshwater resources per capita (2014)
図2-40 一人当たり水資源(2014年)
Figure 2-41 Amount of domestic freshwater resources per capita (by region/2015)
図2-41 一人当たり国内水資源量(地域別/2015年)
DATA 032 Figure 2-42 Number of people living in water-stressed river basins in 2000 and in 2050
図2-42 2000年および2050年に水ストレス下に置かれる河川流域の人口

Use of water resources

DATA 037 Figure 2-48 Percentages of water consumption by usage and region (2014)
図2-48 水消費の用途別割合・地域別(2014年)

Problems with water supply

DATA 038 Figure 2-49 Percentages of people supplied with drinking water (2015)
図2-49 飲料水が供給されている人の割合(2015年)
Figure 2-50 Distribution of people who are not supplied with drinking water by region (2015)
図2-50 飲料水が供給されていない人口の分布 地域別(2015年)

Gaps in the amount of water consumption

DATA 041 Figure 2-53 Relationship between the amount of water consumption for industrial/domestic use per capita and GDP (2014)
図2-53 一人当たり工業用水・生活用水使用量とGDPとの関係(2014年)
Figure 2-54 Amount of water consumption per capita, by usage (2014)
図2-54 一人当たり用途別水使用量(2014年)

Food production and its problems

DATA 044 Figure 2-58 Changes in the amount of grain production and the area of irrigated farmland worldwide
図2-58 世界の穀物生産量とかんがい耕地面積の推移
Figure 2-59 Area of grain production per population of 1,000 people by region (1994 and 2014)
図2-59 人口1,000 人当たり穀物生産面積・地域別(1994年・2014年)
DATA 045 Figure 2-60 Grain demand projection by region
図2-60 穀物需要の見通し・地域別
Figure 2-61 Grain self-sufficiency projection by region
図2-61 穀物自給率の見通し・地域別
DATA 046 Figure 2-62 Composition of land suitable for farming worldwide
図2-62 世界の農業適地の割合(2014年)
DATA 047 Figure 2-65 Amount of fertilizer used (2014)
図2-65 肥料投入量(2014年)
DATA 048 Figure 2-66 Calorie supply per capita (2005)
図2-66 一人当たり熱量(カロリー)供給(2005年)
Figure 2-67 Calorie consumption per capita change and future projection
図2-67 一人当たり消費熱量の推移及び将来見込み

Gaps in food, nutrition and hygiene

DATA 049 Figure 2-68 Projection on the number of children stunned by malnutrition (aged five and under) by region (1990 and 2025)
図2-68 栄養不良による発育障害幼児数(5歳以下)の見通し・地域別(1990年・2025年)
Figure 2-69 Under 5 mortaility rate (probability of dying by age 5 per 1000 live birth) (2015)
図2-69 5 歳以下の死亡率(2015年)

Changes in eating habits and associated problems

DATA 051 Figure 2-72 Changes in income levels and demand for livestock products in China and India
図2-72 中国とインドの所得水準と畜産物の需要の推移

Problems in the fishing industry

DATA 052 Figure 2-73 World capture fisheries and aquaculture production
図2-73 漁業生産量の推移
Figure 2-74 Status of marine fishery resources
図2-74 海洋の魚資源量状況

III. Crisis Creeping in
III. 忍び寄る危機

Changes in global temperature

DATA 053 Figure 3-1 Changes in global average surface temperature
図3-1 世界の平均気温変化の推移
DATA 055 Figure 3-3 Global and continental temperature change
図3-3 世界規模及び大陸規模の気温変化
Figure 3-4 Projected global average temperature change
図3-4 シナリオ別世界平均気温

Effects of global warming

DATA 056-057 Figure 3-5 Observed impacts attributed to climate change reported in the scientific literature since the AR4.
図3-5 第4次評価報告書以降、科学的文献で報告された気候変動に起因する観測された影響

Greenhouse gas emissions

DATA 058 Figure 3-7 Changes in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere
図3-7 大気中CO2 濃度の推移
Figure 3-8 Human-induced global greenhouse gas emission
図3-8 世界の人為起源の温室効果ガス排出量
DATA 059 Figure 3-9 Changes in energy-induced CO2 emissions (by energy)
図3-9 エネルギー起源CO2排出量の推移(エネルギー別)
Figure 3-10 Changes in energy-induced CO2 emissions (by region)
図3-10 エネルギー起源CO2 排出量の推移(地域別)
DATA 060 Figure 3-11 Amount of CO2 emission by region (per capita, per GDP/2013)
図3-11 地域別CO2排出量(一人当たり、GDP当り/2013年)
Figure 3-12 Changes in the amount of CO2 emission by region and future projection
図3-12 地域別CO2排出量の推移と将来予測
DATA 061 Figure 3-13 CO2 emissions by country (top 20 countries/2014)
図3-13 国別CO2排出量(上位20ヵ国/2014年)

Extinction and the wonders of organisms

DATA 062 Figure 3-14 The Living Planet Index
図3-14 生きている地球指数
Figure 3-15 Ratios of threatened species of animals and plants worldwide by taxonomic group
図3-15 分類群別に見た世界の絶滅の恐れのある動物種数・植物種数の割合
DATA 064 Figure 3-17 Biodiversity hotspots (2011)
図3-17 生物多様性ホットスポット(2011年)
DATA 065 Figure 3-18 Relationship between ecosystem services and human welfare
図3-18 生態系サービスと人間の福利の関係

Sphere of habitation of organisms shrinks

DATA 068 Figure 3-21 World forest distribution by region (2010)
図3-21 世界における森林の分布・地域別(2010年)
Figure 3-22 Countries with large land areas and countries with large forest stock (2010)
図3-22 国土面積の広い国と森林蓄積の多い国(2010年)
DATA 069 Figure 3-23 Annual net change in forests by region (1990–2010)
図3-23 森林の地域別年間順変化(1990~2010年)
Figure 3-24 Top10 countries with the greatest changes in forest areas (1990-2010)
図3-24 森林面積の変化が大きい上位10カ国(1990~2010年)
DATA 070 Figure 3-25 The extent of deforestation and forest degradation worldwide
図3-25 世界的な森林伐採・劣化の範囲

IV. Actions Against Crisis
IV. 危機への対応

Results of the environmental survey

DATA 072 Figure 4-1 Measures to Respond to Climate Change (2011)
図4-1 気候変動への対応(2011年)
DATA 074 Figure 4-3 About Nuclear Energy and the Environment (2012)
図4-3 原子力発電と環境について(2012年)

Renewable energy

DATA 078 Figure 4-8 Amount of solar energy reaching Earth
図4-8 地球に降り注ぐ太陽エネルギー量の大きさ
DATA 080 Figure 4-10 Advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy
図4-10 再生可能エネルギー等のメリット、デメリット

Nuclear power as a source of energy supply

DATA 081 Figure 4-11 Changes in electricity generated by nuclear power worldwide (by region)
図4-11 世界の原子力発電電力量の推移(地域別)
DATA 082 Figure 4-12 An outlook for nuclear power generation worldwide
図4-12 世界の原子力(発電電力)の将来見通し
Figure 4-13 Current and future development of nuclear power generation
図4-13 原子力発電開発の動向

Efficient use of energy

DATA 083 Figure 4-14 Efficiencies of thermal power generation facilities worldwide
図4-14 各国の火力発電設備の発電効率

Energy efficiency in industry

DATA 085 Figure 4-17 Comparison of efficiency in the steel industry by country
図4-17 各国の鉄鋼業の効率比較
DATA 086 Figure 4-19 Efficiency in the cement manufacturing industry by country
図4-19 各国のセメント製造業の効率比較
DATA 087 Figure 4-22 Comparison of CO2 emissions by means of transportation in Japan
図4-22 日本における輸送方式によるCO2排出量比較

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